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Opstad Building
Opstad Elementary School

Welcome to Opstad Elementary School!

Learn More.

TFMS Admins at Opstad
Twin Falls Middle School at Opstad

Mr. D'Ambrosio and Mr. Glover went to Opstad Elementary to speak with the Fifth-Graders!

character trait- honesty
March Charater Trait- Honesty

Honesty- Honesty encompasses being truthful, sincere, and fair. It involves sticking to the facts, maintaining straightforward behavior, and refusing to lie, steal, or deceive in any way. This fundamental value demands transparency and uprightness in all aspects of life.

News & Announcements

Upcoming Events

By The Numbers


Students Enrolled (K-5)

OES Student with rainbow


Multilingual Learners

OES Cultural Fair
young girl with headphones

5,370 Otter Actions:

Recognizing students following the Otter Code!

young woman graduate

